11 January 20096.30am - Zach woke up crying which is pretty unusual since he drank his milk an hour ago and I fed him with 100ml which is more than the usual 90ml.
7.30am - Confinement nanny (auntie) bids her farewell to us and carry Zach before she step out of her house. Prior to this, Zach was still crying on and off..once she carried him, he kept quiet. She left and Zach cries..my nightmare began....
8.30am - Prepare Zach for his bath. He don't usually fuss during bathing time in fact he enjoys kicking the water. Peaceful for 10minutes but ear ache during clothing time..hahaha
9.30am - Feed him again. He manage to sleep for 30minutes.
The above sequence except for the bathing time repeats itself till 6.20pm!! We did not even have time for lunch...n we ordered McD...keke
It is also on Sunday that the pacifier was introduced. Smart little Zach knows that the pacifier is not milk and less than 2 suck he spit it out! Intro of pacifier failed..
As he is crying non-stop and both of us trying to eliminate all possible reasons: wet diapers, tired and sleepy, rocking him, singing to him, playing classical music, feeding him via bottle, giving him FM (hoping that can knock him out for few hours) - all FAILED!! Finally, I relented and let him latch on my breast at 5ish and voila..he slept from 6.20pm to 9.30pm. Then I realise it was too much of a change for him on Sunday:
1. Nanny left and hence the lost of familiar smell and sound
2. Introduction of bottle-feeding - still breast milk though.
Decision was made on the spot. Stick to his usual routine..latch on day time and 2x bottle feeding at night. Voila..the routine is back and we get some sleep at night albeit a broken one but I am so used to it. We hope the following days will be better.
12 January 2009I woke up very early today. Going out with Zach to run some errands.

Mummy & Zach before going out

Zach enjoying the car ride in his new Capella car seat
Collection of passport
Zach finally has his own passport and it was really easy to apply for one. We need not go down to ICA to have his photo taken, need not go down to ICA for application submission. Everything is online. Ahhh..the bliss of living in a digital world.
Hubby took multiple shots of Zach for the purpose of his passport and we finally settled on this to be used for his passport photo. He looks fierce but cute! I was afraid that it might be rejected cos his head was abit to the side. More of Zach's 'mug shot' can be seen from this link:

3 days later we received email notification and letter from ICA informing us that his passport is ready for collection. We scheduled an appointment at 10.15am and we reached on the dot and was served promptly. No waiting! Zilch... we are IMPRESSED!
Gynae appointmentMy supposedly final gynae checkup was scheduled at 11am. Waiting time 1hour. Result of my urine and blood test? FAIL! I am still losing protein daily and my blood test came back slightly higher than normal for uric acid. Doctor was very worried that it will have irreversible effect on my kidney and I am supposed to go for another urine test and blood test 3 months later - a realllll chore (imagine 24hours of urine collection and not to waste a single drop and drawing 2 vials of blood). In this 3 months, I am to eat more meat, ginkgo nuts, celery, asparagus to increase my protein level. If the upcoming test result fails, it is off to the kidney specialist.

Father & son enjoying a moment of chit chat
ShoppingWe headed to Vivo after that to shop and unwind.

Feeding Zach in the car

Daddy is spoiling Zach - carrying him the moment he fidgets
Zach was well-behaved throughout the outing. Sleeping when he is supposed to, waking up to feed when it is time. We couldn't be happier..
Maybe he slept alot in the afternoon, when we reached home, he began to fuss and hubby took charge. I felt it was good that hubby took over as it will help both father and son to bond.

Zach enjoys sleeping on top of daddy
13 January 2009
I woke up at 6.30am to wash Zach's clothes, prepare all ingredients for dinner, prepare breakfast for hubby and myself. All is completed by 8am!! Zach was still slumbering..hehe
The day went by as per during confimenet time.. no major surprises and I managed to catch 3 hours of nap with Zach sleeping beside me!! Happy mommy..

Zach's play time in his baby gym

Zach and his pacifier - look at how tense his hands are. He's afraid that the pacifier might drop out.
I am praying that the next few days will also be as good as today!