** This post was sitting there for 2 days before I have time to upload the photos. Today, Zach finally laughed out loud and it made our day after he was sick for 2 weeks! **
Zach had his hair shaved off when he turns 4 months old on 5 April 2009. It was a tough decision since his birth hair was very smooth and soft! Maybe he din like it as well because he was cranky all the time, refusing to let the lady shave him.. hehe

We flew back to KL in the afternoon because Mummy is on leave for 1 week. There will be alot of 1 week holiday this year. Zach was very good throughout the flight except during landing when the pressure is different. He was not feeling well that week due to stuffy nose and mild cough. It could be the journey home that worsen his condition.. stuffy nose became runny nose, mild cough became phlegmy cough and worse is he got rashes which I don't know how it came about!

Zach running a fever

Zach's rashes in the late afternoon - it was actually redder than in this photo
Talk abt his rashes. My diet is still the same, I am still eating the same vitamins gynae prescribed, still drinking milo, eating the same type of food etc..but his rashes was very bad! We went to 2 different PD in Klang and both says he is allergic to cow's milk so either switch to soy milk or breastfeed him totally. It was easy cos I was on leave..within days, his rashes recovered and Zach's skin really glow - he looks even better than before.

Skin smooth as silk and fair as tofu! Haha

He tried on a sunglass for baby but we din buy it - too expensive
Back in SG, we tried soy milk on him and his rashes came back AGAIN! We visited another PD (not the usual one in SG) and she said that there is some cross-over (traces) of cow's milk in soy milk so better stop. Sigh..what a waste of $$.. I shouldn't be so stubborn in feeding him FM once a day.. should have given him breastmilk instead then I could have save all these trouble of not getting enough sleep, wasting $$ on FM, wasting $$ on PD and worse, heartbroken to see Zach keep scratching himself and his face got swollen.. *cry*
On a brighter side, his throat is probably much better today and he actually spoke a little - fyi, he did not utter a word last week! And he
LAUGHED!!! I've uploaded the video in my Facebook..go check it out.