It's been quite some time since the last entry. I attempted to blog last week but was really bogged down by super lotsa stuff. Well, some of the things that happened that is still fresh in my mind..I may have forgotten some of them.

He hates carrot + rice cereal
1. Zach initiates to sleep in his own room, own cot! It was a major achievement for all of us. It happened one night last week, he kept crying when he was on our bed so I decided to carry him next door. Surprisingly he fell asleep immediately and only woke up at 5am the next day, which never happen before. He usually wakes up at 3am or 3.30am if he sleeps with us. I am happy that he is getting independent but the downside? I am always late cos I slept till 5am or 5.30am and latch him after that.. :(
2. Zach began to sit unattended for few seconds, actually more than a minute. We try to let him sit on his own everyday for a short while. Guess the result is showing! He is also getting the hang of the activity station, moving round and round n round. One thing about babies, they are so fascinated by the slightest thing that this activity station can keep him occupied for quite a while. He is also beginning to crawl backwards. is so cute seeing him trying to reach for certain things only to go farther away.

This is how he will play

Going backwards
3. Zach is on nebulizer. He has bronchilitis and he is not the first baby among our thread to be on the neb. It was heart breaking to see him struggling with the face mask. He was actually enjoying the process the first few times but after the 3rd day, he grew impatient and would cry and cry whenever we are nebbing him. He threw up alot lately and I wonder is it the medication that is clearing his airways and helping him in getting rid of the phleghm. I hope he recovers soon. It seems that he is constantly on medication and I am getting abit worried. Oooh.. his face is also getting better, thanks a newly prescribed cream by Dr. Ee. Pray hard that it stays that way.. it is nice seeing a smooth skin on Zach for once.

His slightly swollen face with fiery rashes on his cheeks n chin

My skin is so much smoother and fairer now!
4. These few days he is rejecting the bottles. We still could not figure out the reason. I deduce he could be teething but his gum is still soft and not hard but what could be the reason? He only drink about 300ml per day!! I was worried..he can go on an empty stomach for 6 hrs!! He rather not I latch him over the weekend and surprisingly he is eager to latch. Mabbe softer and do not hurt his gum? Let's see how it goes tomorrow when he goes to school.
5. We were back to Klang over the weekend. Did not go anywhere partly because Zach is sick and also because of the weather! He really charm his way through everyone's heart with his smile and antics..cute! I count my lucky stars everyday to have Zach as my son. He is such a good boy, not many babies I know are able to sit quietly and enjoy himself (keeping himself occupied) during the whole 6 hrs of drive up to Klang but he can. He don't whine nor he will cry. When it is time to feed him, I will latch him and after drinking milk, he will sit in the car seat again.
His own little world