Less than 1/2 a month to me turning 2 years old!
Mummy is holding a low key birthday party for me.. it will be held in KFC @ East Coast. Hoping the weather will be kind to us so that we can have some sand, sea and sun after the party!
There'll be birthday cake of course, agar agar cake from Mrs Chan, welcome gifts and extra welcome gifts bought by mummy. The theme is a mixture of Barney and Mickey, 2 of my fave character at this point though KFC Mgmt do not allow balloons of copyright character to be used..ahh..
The cake!! Mummy kept telling me I will have the coolest cake in Singapore..I will probably be the first 2 year old boy to have this cake made and it is really customised for me and me alone!! Wow..It's a surprise so shan't tell u yet..haha
After Dec,, it will be Jan 2011 and I will be attending class at Chiltern House Mountbatten. We visited the school premise last week and I love it there... they have lotsa numbers and alphabets and shapes pasted on the wall and I recognised most of them. Does that mean I am ready for school? Oh..I will be taking a school bus though because mummy needs to work so can't send me to school and secondly she wants me to be independent. Independent at 3 years old? Hmm...I will try.. :)