Tummy at 13 weeks
It was very difficult to get a clear ultrascan of our baby - baby was moving, stretching, doing acrobatic stunts, except to open the leg wide enough for us to see. Until.. the baby face front, squatting and there we thought we saw it.. a birdie!! Hahahaha... anyway, it is only 70% confirmed, will know for sure in another 4 weeks.. can't wait.
Baby scan @ 13 weeks. He's 7.7cm long now!
That is not only that, we realise that the baby's leg is extremely long - which means he will be very tall like daddy and mummy!!!
By knowing the gender, it will be so much easier to buy baby stuff now..will start buying next month. Uncle Jack has already bought him an England jersey complete with knee length socks during his last trip to England..very miniature and cute!
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I found your blog from the Next Blog button. Congrats and best of luck!
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