My tummy at 17 weeks 5 days
Hubby asked Dr. Soong to confirm the baby's gender when we were at her clinic on Saturday. Baby was very shy, crossing leg and lying still all the time. And you know what, the doctor's ultrasound screen can't even fit the baby's pic. Baby is now 12.2cm and she mentioned that he is a tall baby and very big size too!! A funny moment, Dr. Soong said she can't confirm the gender cos baby is not cooperative. She said "Maybe baby's birdie flew away alr..." Hubby looked so shock!! I knew what he was thinking. We bought so many baby boy's stuff and if it is a girl, what are we to do? HahahaBaby at 17 weeks, measuring 12.2cm. His head is on the left and tummy on the right (note the size of the tummy..hahaha). The black dot is our baby's heart
Frontal view of the baby - the eyes
As my parents were ard, I wanted them to catch the first glimpse of their grandson (though not confirmed), we invited them in.. our baby is indeed cheeky, once my parents were in, he opened his leg so wide, we can all see 3 white spots - his testicles and penis!!! My tears start to roll.. My parents were so happy..hahaha.
So all is not lost, the shopping continues and the search for baby's name will be finalised soon, stay tuned!
FP Infant to Todder Rocker - $99 from Robinsons
Booties and mittens & NUK Glass Bottle - all for $22 only
Clothings from Baby Gap
Pumpkin Patch bodysuit - Mommy love green
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