Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby's Detailed Scan

2nd Aug 2008, 11.45am - Appointment was fixed a month ago for our precious detailed scan.. though he is not fully 20weeks yet, but is about there, 19 weeks 3 days.
One week before our scan, we both kept talking to baby on what the scan is all about and how baby should be cooperative with the sonagrapher. True to our words, baby is very cooperative and the whole scan took only 20minutes compared to others that took much longer! The sonagrapher took a few pix and measurement and then explained to us!! Yeah..100% confirmed a boy because we can see his 'asset'..wahahaha!

Head measurement - baby's head is bigger than average baby (in the 95th percentile)..what does this mean??
From mom: Smarter baby
From gynae: Hard work during labor
Measurement: 177.6mm

Baby's spine - see how clear and strong the spine is!!

Baby got a sharp chin - like mommy!!

Baby's feet - all 10 baby's toes can be seen

Baby's genatalia (XY, means BOY!!) and thigh (Femur)

Measurement: 31.5mm

Baby's hand

All in all baby is very healthy and my placenta placement is neither high nor low. Heart has 4-chamber and all blood vessels are okay!!

Baby's weight at the moment is 324g.. average weight!!

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