Last day of November and I've missed out several great deals lined up by merchants for birthday month - yeap!! My birthday was in early part of Nov.. I missed the Body Shop birthday privilege, missed Aussino 40% members privileges, and few more!! Y? I am feeling so lazeeee
I am getting bottom heavy day by day..walking becomes waddling and I really hope I am not walking like a duck or penguin!! It gets worse when I can't sleep well at night that I get so frustrated, hubby hv to bear the brunt of it! How cranky I can get?? I woke up middle of the night, crying for no reason - actually there is a reason, I can't get proper sleep..I ignored him for the whole of last week and I myself do not know why.. I feel so tired and I just wish he would understand but as guys will always be guys they will never get it, I shall forgive and forget and live on!
Looking back, it was just in April when we announced to both parents that I am expecting and in a blink, I am giving birth in 2 weeks time (I think)... I must thank God that this pregnancy is a smooth one. I do not have any morning sickness nor lose my appetite, how can I based on the amt of weight I am gaining..I do not have any severe breakouts etc..but towards last stage only severe water retention but I think it is all worth it!
Mummy's tummy at 36 weeks 4 days
Daddy got a new toy and we will be using it to showcase Zach's journey to the world!
LCD Photo Display