Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Still here

I really can't wait to stay home and rot! I was at gynae's visit on Monday and my weight went up to a whopping 5kg within 2 weeks *gasp* Thankfully she attributed that to severe water retention which can be seen from my puffy eyes, swollen hands with painful joints and not to mention the can't-tell-difference-between-calf-ankle! Hahaha

Not only the weight gain is high, even my blood pressure was high. I had to take up to 5 readings before the reading was satisfactory..I knew in advance it would be high cos I do feel more breathless lately.

Enough of mummy, Zach did not grow much over the last 2 weeks, onie managed to put up about 200g and is now 2.5kg which I still feel he could put on more. Dr's advice if want him to put more weight, I hv to eat to?? Then I will hv problem losing those weights leh..dilemma!!

As usual, gynae predicted that I will pop anytime after 37weeks which is about 1.5weeks from now..which means I have to finish clearing all Zach's stuff by then..tonnes to do!! I can't wait till then because I m having difficulty sleeping and waddling to work everyday is such a chore! Hahaha

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