Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A little hope

Maybe I count my blessings too early? Week 37 and I was at my gynae's office super early as she has to go off earlier than her usual time.

I failed my urine test - which I never failed before even before pregnancy because I am a water tank. I drink litres of water daily so when they found out I have high content of protein in my urine, the alarm rang!

My blood pressure shot up higher compared to last week. I did not really paid any attention to it since it was unusually high for the past few visits. Nurse Alice will always take up to 4 readings to get a good result. This time round, she did twice and both readings were high. I was sent in the room to do a CTG first so that I could rest and relax! Why are they always asking me to relax and calm down? I actually felt relaxed and calm leh when doing the pressure test or maybe all these while my relax and calm definition is wrong??

Only consolation, my CTG is okay, baby is moving and he is so cute today. Nurse Alice was in the room chatting with me (I think it's her way of keeping me calm?!?) and Zach kept moving about..hahaha! I thought I experienced several contractions but when the contraction readings were high, I actually felt out of breath - a feeling I've been getting quite often lately. Even now at wee hours in the morning, I couldn't sleep because I could feel my heart pumping too fast and I am getting breathless.

Met my gynae and she is worried that I may have preeclampsia (read more here). Well, the symptoms are all there coupled with my excessive swelling yesterday which I must say, I can't even recognise myself cos my face n eyes are so swollen! She said "Girl, why not I induce you next week? I worried that this is pre-eclampsia and is harmful for the baby". Nothing prepared me for this. Hubby wasn't with me.. no one to discuss with etc.. I do not know my options. Anyway, guess she understood and we proceeded with scanning the baby - Zach put on 200g since the last visit which means he is now 2.7kg at 37 weeks. Smaller compared to other mummies babies but as long as he is gaining healthy weight and still moving ard, I have no other worries. Doctor also did a VE for me, cervix is still closed! Which means baby is not engaged!! she said, may need to do a c-sect!! Last thing I need is another scar on my abdomen..since I alr had one last March. I told her, I do not mind inducing but I really want to try natural birth if possible.

I guess, now the only way is to wait for further lab results - she sent me for blood test and urine test. I was to collect my urine for the last 24hrs into this super huge 5 litre container..hahaha. It was damn funny to lug that container around. So far the collection has been good and I have not wasted a single drop of my urine (which was said will affect the outcome).

I have been talking to Zach asking him to get engaged ASAP..hahaha so that mummy don't have to go through the pain of c-sect and I am sure he do not want to see his mummy suffer..hehe, I hope he can hear mummy's plea for help. By next week, he should be engaged since he will be 38 weeks..praying hard and keeping my toes and fingers crossed!!

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