Time flies when you are having a good time.. Zach turns 3 month old yesterday and mummy will be sending him to Little-Skool House next Tuesday and start working on Friday. She's already having separation anxiety even though Zach is juz a stone throw away. While I was packing his bag to be brought to the infantcare next week, tears just start flowing.. mummy's baby is going to 'school'. Sigh..
Zach is getting taller by the day and I realised it when I latch him on everyday. He used to be able to sit his butt on my thigh but lately, his butt seems to be touching the sofa...hahaha. He's very responsive as well. When mummy sings his favourite nursery rhyme, I will stop for a while and let him continue which he will using his baby language. His favourite time will be after his bathe, after his feed and during nappy changing time - these are his most talkative time.
His routine is more or less settled and mummy is trying to train him to sleep through the night. Quite successful so far though he did try his luck to wake up at different hours to see if he gets his milk. Once he tried at 3am, failed! Two nights ago, he tried at 2am, failed. This morning, he tried at 4am, FAILED! He has no choice but to sleep till after 5.30am then mummy will latch him..haha.
He is a strong boy. Being able to lie on his tummy and lift his head up, holding on to his wrist, he can lift himself up into sitting position but this only happens when he is in a good mood. You can't try this after his feed cos he will be so satisfied and he would not do anything else except lying down and talk. Muahaha...
Mummy created 3 collages showing how big Zach has grown from the day he was born till yesterday! Mummy never felt bored looking through those photos..Zach has about 600digital photos captured so far - not counting those taken by others. He's such a sweetie pie which never fail to greet mummy with his sunshine smile, cheeky smile or shy smile and mummy never knew that she has such overwhelming love to shower him!
First month
Second month
Third month
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