Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy 5 Month Old, Zach

* Mummy is too excited and post this earlier than scheduled*
Zach turns 5 month old tomorrow! Comparing to a month ago, he has grown quite a bit, not by weight though but by his learning abilities. He smiles readily at the sight of my phone or camera cos he knows mummy is taking either photo or video of him.

He's smiling even though it is super early in the morning

He put on a mere 100g within 3 weeks but he's been drinking 180ml of breastmilk every 4hours. Dr told me not to worry as long as Zach is happy and progressing well. So..mabbe he is tall and lean like daddy and mummy.

Zach starts recognising faces and constantly wants me to be around. He will whimper and cry if my in-law carries him. He's okay if it is my parents or siblings which doesn't really makes sense cos they only see him once a month. My guess is prob the way he was carried that causes him to be uncomfortable.

He still can't flip without assistance but can sit unassisted for few minutes. Wonder will he skip the flipping process all together? He can also move around in his cot. Place him diagonally and within 5minutes he will kick and wriggle himself horizontally. Hahaha

Ignore the dirty diaper beside him. He's sitting up watching TV (what else?)

As he is entering his 5th month, it is also time for him to sleep on his own. Previously he was sharing our bed but lately he's crying to sleep alone. Each time he cry, I will carry him to his cot and he will fall asleep on his own and can sleep longer too. Can't believe that he wants to sleep alone! Hmm..maybe daddy's snoring is too loud or mummy keep waking up to check on him annoys him?

He also found his feet and his vocals. When opportunity arise, he will play with his feet and luckily have not learnt to put them in his mouth yet. He's getting very vocal too.. singing himself to sleep. Now we know when he starts singing, he is sleepy.

Look how engrossed he is at his feet

He's cute..and that's because he's our son. *wink*


erikaliang said...

happy 5 months old Zach & mummy! I love reading this blog so much and i feel ur love for zach so much that i teared...

Unknown said...

Haha... u r so farnee!
Once u r a mummy urself, u will also have that much love to share!

Tan Kay Hiang said...

It is so touching to read your blog and to see Zach grow up so fast. I have two boys who are older. It is always a wonderful experience to see them grow day-by-day. It is the beginning of the parenthood journey!