Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 7 Month Old, Zach

Time flies when you are having a ball of time! We indeed were having a smashing good time with Zach spending every waking moment minus our working time with our precious. I was so afraid of missing out on his important milestone. It breaks my heart each time I look at Zach thinking why mommy can't be spending day and night with him, taking good care of him, protecting him and giving him the best in life! Well, the contradicting facts of life. I need to work in order to earn moolahs to take good care of him, provide for him etc..

Zach has grown quite a bit. Last weigh was 7.7kg, 70cm. Come to think of it, should have bought 4D, 7770. Hahahaha..

2 post earlier I mentioned he can sit fairly well and now he can sit very well. Oohh..he can do yoga poses as well. I can't believe how flexible baby is. He can bend his body all the way down and hand reach out. He can also lift both of his legs up, sucking both toes together! At times, it will be his milk bottle, his thumb and index finger in his mouth. Cute when he does that.

Talkative Zach

I do hope he grows up to be like me.. an extrovert. He's very very chatty lately, ability for him to show more emotions and try his best to tell us what he wants, be it carrying him (lifting both arms out), hungry (scratching and pulling my shirt), going out (kicking me while looking at the door).

Look at how determined he is to 'squash' the pau

Few things that we intend to start him on is swimming at public pool, taking professional shots of him to be used for our customary, 2 meals on cereal or porridge per day instead of 1 except on weekends, going for morning walk at East Coast. Can't wait!

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