I skipped Zachary's 8 month old post! I was so caught up with other things that I did not feel like blogging it then.
Woohooo..Zachary is 9 month and 1 day old today. Another 2 months and 30days to his 1st birthday (did I calculate correctly?)

Zach enjoying his brief play in the water - smart boy covered the necessary part! Hehe
My boy has been a very very cheeky monster of late. Mastering several things, some of it I am so glad he learnt but some, not so.

One of the skills of sucking his index finger - read that it helps to soothe babies
Standing upHe's good at this. I can't really recall when he mastered this skill but he decided to let me know he can stand up on his own one fine morning while I am playing with him by the cot.
What is the trying next? His downward dog pose and squatting, a sign that he wants to stand up unaided.

Haha..caught in action
Oh and I almost forgot, he can crawl and move to sitting position and vice versa swiftly. I mean realllll quick especially middle of the night when he wakes up crying..u put him lying he will sit up almost in split second. Hahaha
RamblingUnfortunately for mummy, his first word is Pa Pa and not Ma Ma. I am jealous actually because I've been the one slaving for him yet his first word is not for me. Sigh.. I should get over this sadness because as long as he is rambling and getting more talkative, I am contented.
Separation anxietyIs something that I was hoping he will not have. Arggh..he is like a superglue! I can't go 10cm away from him without him crying and with added tears!! Gosh, it was so different a month ago when I can do my own stuff with him playing on his own (I am still within his watch) but now, I need to be in skin contact with him everytime he is awake. TOO MUCH!!!

Look at that gloomy face
Off late, he developed some real funny habits: sucking my knees, eeew.. and worst, having an affinity with hubby's bolster. All daddy's saliva (yucks!) and whatsoever is there and it stinks (I think it does but daddy loves it) and Zach loves it too. He must have his daddy's bolster before he can sleep at night. The bolster war between Zach and his father. Lol...

Sucking his finger and enjoying his daddy's bolster - trying to nap

I love the pix above, taken yesterday during a trial class at Stage & Such. Not a very fabulous class so far but I felt the babies had fun crawling ard. The 3 of them looked so solemn..hahaha