Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 21, 2009

Someone's gotten his funny bone tickled

Out of the sudden during his dinner, he started taking out his bib and throw on the floor, going into bouts of giggling and laughter.

Mommy also did the 'Eee' sound cos the bib was dirty (full of porridge crumbs) and he actually threw on the just-mopped floor and that triggered another bout of giggling and laugther.

He's full after repeating the sequence several times and I end up finishing his porridge. No wonder my waistline is expanding!

Some of the screaming is made by him, I call it shrieking

Zach decided that standing while playing with his toys is much more fun than going circle - he probably realised that it is getting him nowhere. Muahaha.. standing is his new hobby now.

Standing to play his activity station

Standing while trying to read his daddy's magazine

Something that I can't capture, he is standing while holding on to my legs, usually when I am in the kitchen, either washing the dishes or cooking.

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