The twelfth month.. time really whizzes by! Zach celebrated his 1st Birthday last week in Klang with my family and close relatives.. it was a grand affair. He will have another celebration with our close frens, his frens and daddy's relatives on the 19th. Ai seh.. mommy don't even have such luxury of celebrating birthday twice.. lucky chap!
By now, my little cheeky monster is not only getting cheekier, louder, smiley than he was a month ago, he is also able to:
1. Walk holding on to furniture. Sometimes, he tries to be a brave little man and try cruising holding on using one hand and another hand waving. Braver gesture is to move from one furniture to another one close by.
2. Play patty-cake: Zach was able to do so months ago..
3. Drink from cup: and mess up! That's his forte. Somehow, he knows how not to swallow the water and the moment I remove the cup, he will open his mouth to let the water flow out. He will then proceed to play with the water on the floor. Eeekkss..
4. Pick up tiny objects: If he can use his thumb & index finger to peel out those small embellishments from my shirt, he have not problem picking them up from the floor. Haha
5. Stand alone momentarily: We tried this on him several times a day to give him some confidence, usually about 10cm away from us. I will let go of his hands and he will throw himself on me after few seconds. The longest was 5 seconds!!
6. Say dada or mama: No mama yet but he calls his daddy fondly as Pa Pa. He refers me a Eh now..hahaha
7. Play ball: Zach can roll the ball back to us if we play this with him. Recently, he is able to net the ball into the basket by watching me doing it several times. Zach is like me, learn through observing.
8. Spouting gibberish: Yes... we get that alot from Zach. I will reply him with things that may interest him such as "You are right, this is a bus and there is the wheels on the bus. You remember the song?" and I will start singing the song to him
Besides the usual developmental milestone, Zach is able to:
1. Pat on his tummy to signal that he is full
2. Tap on his chest to tell us that he is scared *duh..dunno where he learnt that from*
3. Wave goodbye and say bai bai
4. Do the action of 'pai pai' (prayer gesture)
5. Shake his head to signal no
6. Using his hand to sign 'No More'
Zach wean himself off porridge when he was a week shy from turning one. I am not sure what is the trigger point but everytime I cook porridge for him, he will only eat a few spoonful and turn away.
I decided to try fish bake rice and he took all of it! So for the past 2 weekends, it is rice for him, bake rice, steam rice with pork, bah kut teh..hahaha
Now that he is one, I started him on some table food but most of the time it is safe food like chicken, fish, pork and tofu. I have yet to let him try food that contains cow's milk in full yet. A small tub of yoghurt, 30ml, will cause him to have no formula milk for him but goat's milk instead. Costly but do I have a choice?
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