Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I am a bad mummy

We were not aware that Zach was teething. How could I not know? I was feeling his gum almost daily for the past few weeks but did not feel anything. Zach was getting up more than his usual midnite routine. Every 2hrs he would sit up and cry, at the same time closing his eyes. I can't do much for him, except to pat him to sleep (FAIL!), latch him (usually can only be for 5minutes) and GASP!! scold him..n ignore him. Gosh.. thinking back, I feel so guilty. Doesn't matter, will buy him a toy to make it up..hahaha

Zach's lower 2 teeth has cut through but not at his 6th months but slightly after he turns 8 months.
We suspect that his upper 2 teeth is cutting because the crankiness returns. He only slept at 5am yesterday!! Gosh.. both myself and hb were zombie-fied and I decided to purchase a tube of Dentinox Teething Gel to help soothe the pain. Guess it worked because he only woke up twice for his milk feed but the down side is, the anaesthetic effect causes him to drool on my bed! Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

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