Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mr Cool

Zach seldom smile and even if he did, it is very brief. However, he is very sociable and will aloow others, even strangers to carry him! Good and bad about it.. I can have my own time, like enjoy my food while others tend to him but what if strangers carry him away?? *shudders*

Some of the photos that show his serious side.

See how happy great-grandma is but Zach is like 'What's going on?'

Ah Gu with Zach that has a blur look

Can we get this over and done with?

Someone owe him money?

I submitted the last picture for Picture of the Week @ Mum Centre. It will be up on Monday 10 Aug. Please remember to vote. Watch out for it.

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