Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Mickey and Friends
Friday, December 11, 2009
Moo Moo Party
After planting a huge and wet kiss on him.. brought him down to meet his grandparents. This would mean his usual routine in Klang, watching the fishes gobbles down the food..haha.
Got style even when drinking milk in his urine sogged diaper
His party starts at 7.30am and went into full swing by 9pm!! All of us at home clearly adore Zach..everyone went the extra mile to ensure that he gets the best. Thanks everyone from Zach, mommy and daddy.. most of all, the ang pows, presents and love.
Presents and more presents! Zach can open a toy shop
Alas, Zach wasn't a very good host. He was cranky and whiny the whole night. It is probably due to the early start of the day and rushing in and out with me the whole day, only catching a few winks of sleep here and there. A peace-loving baby which dislikes loud noises, he is especially disturbed with our neighbour holding his bachelor party ala KTV style. So all the Hokkien songs were being belted out in style while my son is crying away..
Ooohh..I must rave about the cake from Just Heavenly! Just like the name...it is simply just heavenly. Rich chocolate fudge cake with a Barnyard Animal theme. I love the way the ducks were swimming happily and the pigs were frolicking in the mud.
Hand-crafted cake
Zach is ONE
By now, my little cheeky monster is not only getting cheekier, louder, smiley than he was a month ago, he is also able to:
1. Walk holding on to furniture. Sometimes, he tries to be a brave little man and try cruising holding on using one hand and another hand waving. Braver gesture is to move from one furniture to another one close by.
2. Play patty-cake: Zach was able to do so months ago..
3. Drink from cup: and mess up! That's his forte. Somehow, he knows how not to swallow the water and the moment I remove the cup, he will open his mouth to let the water flow out. He will then proceed to play with the water on the floor. Eeekkss..
4. Pick up tiny objects: If he can use his thumb & index finger to peel out those small embellishments from my shirt, he have not problem picking them up from the floor. Haha
5. Stand alone momentarily: We tried this on him several times a day to give him some confidence, usually about 10cm away from us. I will let go of his hands and he will throw himself on me after few seconds. The longest was 5 seconds!!
6. Say dada or mama: No mama yet but he calls his daddy fondly as Pa Pa. He refers me a Eh now..hahaha
7. Play ball: Zach can roll the ball back to us if we play this with him. Recently, he is able to net the ball into the basket by watching me doing it several times. Zach is like me, learn through observing.
8. Spouting gibberish: Yes... we get that alot from Zach. I will reply him with things that may interest him such as "You are right, this is a bus and there is the wheels on the bus. You remember the song?" and I will start singing the song to him
Besides the usual developmental milestone, Zach is able to:
1. Pat on his tummy to signal that he is full
2. Tap on his chest to tell us that he is scared *duh..dunno where he learnt that from*
3. Wave goodbye and say bai bai
4. Do the action of 'pai pai' (prayer gesture)
5. Shake his head to signal no
6. Using his hand to sign 'No More'
Zach wean himself off porridge when he was a week shy from turning one. I am not sure what is the trigger point but everytime I cook porridge for him, he will only eat a few spoonful and turn away.
I decided to try fish bake rice and he took all of it! So for the past 2 weekends, it is rice for him, bake rice, steam rice with pork, bah kut teh..hahaha
Now that he is one, I started him on some table food but most of the time it is safe food like chicken, fish, pork and tofu. I have yet to let him try food that contains cow's milk in full yet. A small tub of yoghurt, 30ml, will cause him to have rashes..so no formula milk for him but goat's milk instead. Costly but do I have a choice?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Art Work
Monday, November 23, 2009
Yummy Pancake
Zach loves it and mommy loves it too.. shall have this again this weekend.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Scariest Virus
Day 1 of his fever. Daddy is pushing him around the house, hoping to get him out of his crankiness
By late afternoon, his fever went up to 39.2 degree, which is the highest so far. I bugged hubby to bring him to see his PD at Parkway Parade (he's on duty at night) but he actually refused!! I was so pissed off with him. End up we went to Kinder Clinic at Sengkang! No medication was prescribed but was asked to give him Brufen and Paracetamol, 2.5ml each at 3-hrly interval. I find it too much but as long as it can bring my baby's temp down, anything is okay.I realised he is especially weak when he took Brufen. After few times, it no longer have any effect on his extremely high temp. Being the paranoid mom, I decided to bring him to KK Children's A&E on Saturday, 12am!! Not helpful at all.. FAIL BIG TIME!! Next time, I will pay extra to go private hospital..
Today is the 4th day Zach is having his fever. Though it is no longer hovering around 39.8 to 40 degree, it is still fever to me! I stopped Brufen and only gave him Para... hopefully by tomorrow, I don't have to give him any other medication. I feel sick giving him medication, he is so weak and sleep most of the time. He even lose weight. He is so skinny.. I wanna cry!! Must feed him more when he recovers fully.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy 11 Month Old, Zach
Zach is still the same cheeky monster that I wrote about a month ago. Frankly, despite our (babysitter and me) effort to feed him bigger portion of food, more carbo and dairy (yay! He is finally slowly recovering from his allergy), he is still of the same size few months ago. My parents gonna nag me about it when they come over this weekend. How come still same size? Like never grow leh..arrggh.. I alr feeding him with a cheese stick alternate day, yoghurt alternate day, 3 meals of porridge daily, 4 bottles of milk consisting of 210ml each.. i consider that alot but what to do? Zach is super hyper-active, one moment he will be here and next moment at another place.
His progress in his 11th month:
Get into sitting position from stomach
> He prefer to be on his tummy if he is playing with his toys.. tapping his feet away just like an adult but he can get into sitting position real fast. Maybe with his light-weight body, it is ultra easy? Maybe he can be a gymnast like his uncle?
Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger
> Hmm.. I never leave any tiny objects on the floor but I did try giving him tiny objects like his baby biscuits (xiao man tou) to hold but he will not want to hold it. Does that mean he fail in this?
Understands No but not always obeying it
> Zach probably champions this statement.. we (Daddy and I) is always telling him NO when he is near the TV console and what our cheeky monster will do? Turn around, give us a grin and continue his destruction mode.
Play patty cake or wave bye bye
> Clapping started when he was about 6.5 months old and recently he will clap when he is happy and sometimes before bed time when I sing him his nursery rhyme, he will clap as well. In excitement, he will hit me with both his hands while shrieking.
> I find that he has his good days and bad days. In good days, he will wave goodbye to me, but on a bad day, he can't even be bothered to take a second glance at me. :(
Walk holding on to furniture
> A recently mastered skill which he at times trying to act macho and let go immediate to reach the opposite side. This usually end up with him falling down. Hehehe
Point or gesture to something to get needs meet
> If I am carrying him while sitting down, he will tap on my shoulder to get me going. If he wants his milk, he will know how to pull and tug my shirt and give me that look.
Say Dada or Mama discriminately or other word
> He can say Papa clearly but I wonder does he really understand the meaning of it? He will shout out Mama when he is desperate for me to carry him.
> Beside Papa and Mama, he does blabber in full sentence most of the time but I can't really catch what he say "Bye?", "Bus?" "Ba?"
That is Zach, having some of mommy's b'day cake and calling out toPapa
Play Ball> Give him the basket ball, he will know how to net it. Give him the soccer ball, he will throw it to you. Give him the colored balls, he will roll it on the floor to you.
Even though his learning skills are not as fast as other babies born in the same month or later than him, I am nevertheless happy that he is growing up strong and healthy. It is every mother's wish to have their offspring to be healthy.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Upsize Me
Mommy bought this Threadless bodysuit few months ago. It was meant for 12months and above but it seems way way way too big for Zach.. this boy can still fit into bodysuit meant for 6months old..
He don't seem to be growing sideways despite eating alot! Mabbe I should start stuffing him with ice cream and cakes!
See his 2 tiny bottom teeth??
We were at Orchard on Sunday and Christmas deco were all up.. mommy is pestering daddy to bring us to Orchard Road at night so that Zach has the chance to see the lighted up deco.. it is so much nicer than last year's deco.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I tried giving him some variety to his daily meal by waking up earlier to made him scramble egg with cheese on Saturday before we head out for breakfast at BK and grocery shopping at Cold Storage. He clamped his mouth shut!! How I made him finish the egg? I mixed it with his cereal...1.5hr later. Imagine, he rather not eat even when it was his breakfast time.
For lunch, mommy gave him mee sua. It was not just any mee sua, as that will be too plain. I bought mince pork, salmon and long beans too. I boiled some ikan bilis stock for cooking the noodle. I used about 2 big tablespoon, put in the long beans and mince pork to cook and then the salmon and lastly mee sua. I stew it for awhile.. it taste good albeit abit saltish (from the mee sua).
He took the first spoon and decided not to open his mouth anymore after that.. Mommy had that for her lunch instead and Zach had milk instead.
I thought it looked delicious..it taste good too.
He finish 1 whole Pigeon full bowl (mini bath tub) of porridge that night for dinner.Sigh.. I shall stick to porridge as backup next week. Going to intro some tofu to him.
When it comes to Ben & Jerry, he is all game for it.. muahaha.. just like his parents, have a penchant for good food.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
It never came across my mind that Zach would fall off the bed! It happened last week when we were back in Klang. That fateful day, I decided not to take a nap with him like I usually does. He woke up around 6.50pm crying but I guess we didn't hear him cos the TV was on. By the time my dad heard his cry and I rush upstairs (2 steps at a time), too late!! I found him lying face down on the floor..OUCH!! It must have hurt.. he cried his lungs out, naturally.
10 minutes later, he calmed down. Bruises check: Forehead, nose bridge and nostril.. My superhero continue to crawl around and in his usual cheeky self after that. Boys will always be boys.
Tired of feeding him cereal and afraid that he will get bored with the same staple food for the past 2 weeks, I decided to give him something different for breakfast. French toast.. it was easy to prepare. Unlike the usual french toast that we adult eat, Zach's is minus the salt, pepper and oil. One beaten egg and 1 slice of wholemeal bread and toast on non-stick pan.
Birthday fit for a Prince
A checklist was found by googling it on the internet.
3-4 Weeks before your party
Decide if you want a party theme {Mommy is still toying with 2 theme, Barnyard Animals or Sesame Babies}
Create the guest list. Guests generally range from friends at daycare, school or the neighborhood, then add close relatives {It will be for relatives and close friends and that will means not much kids}
Pick party date and time. Parties are generally 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours long {Zach will have 2 parties, one on 05/12 in Klang and 19/12 in Singapore. Mommy yet to decide on the time}
Call and book your Professional Children's Entertainer... {Do we need this?}
Get party supplies, decorations, party favors, activities and prizes for games. Be sure to get enough tableware for the adults attending, as well. {Unsure whether to spree or source locally but high chance to spree for it}
2-3 Weeks before your party
Send the invitations. It is best to ask guests to RSVP to get an estimate of how many children to expect. {DIY??}
Decide on activities and games to play. Consider the age of the children and plan games and activities accordingly. Plan more games than you expect to use in case you run out of activities before the party is over. {If there is no more than 5 kids, no point having activities and games right?}
Plan your menu. {Both parties will be buffet style; one need to be in-house caterer, wonder what menu will it be as I am still waiting for them to send me the menu}
Arrange for extra help on the party day from friends or relatives. {My family is happy to plan the one in Klang}
1 Week before the party
Order cake from a bakery if you are not baking your own. Bake cake and freeze it, if making your own. {Hahaha..definitely not baking on my own. Zach will have 2 b'day cake.. the one for 19/12 is still a headache cos Mommy has not decided on which one to order. Should not procrastinate further and decide!!}
Make other foods that can be made ahead of time. Store in the freezer. {Don't want to tire myself out doing all these..}
Write out a final schedule of activities for the party. {See how}
Confirm any orders placed for the cake and/or party supplies.
Let siblings invite a special friend over for the day so they won't feel left out. They can either play apart from the party or they can be helpers. {Zach is our first child hence no sibling}
2-3 Days before the party
Buy remaining food for the party. Buy film and/or videotape.
Check batteries for the camera and/or camcorder.
Get an exact guest count. Call those who haven't responded.
Arrange to have balloons filled with helium to pick up the day of the party. It is fun to have each guest go home with a balloon.
1 Day before the party
Finish decorating the cake, or pick up the cake from the bakery.
Make sure you have plenty of candles and matches.
Pick up helium-filled balloons. (if that is your choice)
Child-proof the party area.
Decorate any indoor areas (save outdoor decorating for day of the party).
Prepare food that can be made ahead of time.
Party Day
Prepare foods and beverages that could not be made ahead of time.
Take plenty of pictures and videos to commemorate this special day.
Remember, young guests will be excited, mishaps may occur. Keep your sense of humor. Even if not every aspect of the party goes off as planned, the most important part is to enjoy the day as you celebrate the life of your child!
Happy 10 Month Old Zach!
My baby turns 10 month old on the Monday that passed. Mommy couldn't blog about it because she just started her new job and she has to wake up earlier than usual because her working hours are from 8.30am till 6pm. Zach did not cooperate on Sunday by crying from 2am till 3.30am and then again from 5am till 6.30am..alarm for mommy to wake up and prepare for her first day at work. Hmmptt..
We can see so much difference in Zach when he was just a 9 month old baby with a 10 month old him.
He understands simple words and phrases, like "No" though he don't really listen to that command..he would stop and look at me before turning his back at me and continue to do what he is doing. Whenever I say "Come, let's go give you a bath", he will answer "Ehm"..just one simple word. Lately, he will say "Bah", "Bear", "Mam" and his babysitter say he could probably say "App". I am teaching him "Keys" and he will stare at my lips all the time.
I read that it is good to keep talking to baby so that they can have a head start on good speech patterns so that is what I usually does to Zach. Telling him what I will be doing, am doing and we are doing.
One thing that makes me worried is that up till date, he still:
1. Rejecting water
2. Refuse to hold his own milk bottle or water bottle
3. Refuse to use his hand to feed himself, be it his Gerber puffs, bread or teethers.
Ok ok..more than 1 thing that made me worried but hey! it's normal, isn't it? It is either he is afraid of dirtying his hand (which I highly doubt so) or he is lazy (very high probability).
Usually I will bring him to bed before 10pm so that there can be some mommy-son bonding time. He will play with his flashcards while I keep telling him what are those (usually I m being ignored). I will then act hurt and turn away pretending to be sad. Sensing that, he will climb on top of me, place his cheek on mine and try to kiss me. If that fails, he will pull my hair!!!
He does not only the above to me but to his grandpapa, Ah Yi and babysitter too. He really knows how to make people's heart melt. Every morning, I will send him to aunty's place, he will automatically want her to carry him. He will touch her face, give her a hug/kiss and then wave goodbye to mommy. In the evening, he will does the same to me. He will use both hands to cup my face and kiss me first. Sucha sweet little boy..
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We were back in Klang 2 weeks ago for 1.5 weeks as I was in between jobs and need to clear my leave. Took the opportunity to R&R and for Zach to enjoy himself. He did really enjoy himself rotten, learning so much within that few days.
He is crawling at top speed now; commando style if he wants to be super fast else it will be on four! The cutest will be when he will crawl to my parents room every morning; pushing the door and take a peep to see if my father is around. He loves my parents esp his grandpapa because he will bring him to see fish, talk to him etc every morning, afternoon and night (actually it is anytime that my dad is home)
Crawling to get a piece of durian
ClimbingIt was just 3 steps on Day 1 and then one flight few days later and as of last week, he manage to climb from first floor to second floor, non-stop but was panting away when he reach the top...hahaha. I think the next trip back, he can climb up to my bro's room.
Attention seeking
He always wants to be in the center of attention. At dinner table, if no one is paying attention to him, he will start to shout (wail) or bang the table or pulling the hand of the person beside him so that everyone will pay attention to him. When we were watching TV at night and my dad was not paying attention to him, he will tap on his hand or pull his shirt and at times even touch my dad's face to get his attention!! Such smart fellow..my son!
Baby really need alot of stimulation from adult. 1.5 weeks of spending time with mostly woman really make a difference. He's very chatty now and we can't make sure what is he mumbling most of the time but of late he seems to either be saying "Bear", "Bus" or "Bah" or "Pa" and "Mam"! Cute.. he's my son!
While we were back in Klang, we celebrated my dad's birthday and Zach had the most fun. The karaoke was constantly playing his favourite song "Wheels on The Bus" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep". He will smile and do the "Up and Down" motion with mommy. He made everyone in the family so happy.. he's my son!
Mommy is so proud to have him as her son..
Monday, September 21, 2009
Someone's gotten his funny bone tickled
Some of the screaming is made by him, I call it shrieking
Zach decided that standing while playing with his toys is much more fun than going circle - he probably realised that it is getting him nowhere. Muahaha.. standing is his new hobby now.
Something that I can't capture, he is standing while holding on to my legs, usually when I am in the kitchen, either washing the dishes or cooking.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Zach's been eating porridge twice a day and he stopped taking cereal on weekdays but only had them on weekends. No wonder mommy have to sell away his unopened cereals cos it is impossible to finish all of them!
Today is 'western' menu for Zach. Peach puree with barley cereal for breakfast, butternut squash with alphabet pasta for lunch and Mango Chicken with Broccoli and Carrot for dinner. He loves everything and finish them in record breaking time. All less than 10minutes to finish his meal. Keep it up.
Butternut squash alphabet pasta
Mommy oso bought finger paint from Robinsons few days ago having seen how Zach kinda enjoyed himself during the Julia Gabriel trial class last month. I placed brown mahjong paper on the floor and pour 4 different color of the paint of a plate and stripped Zach down to his diaper.He's abit reserved but not long after that, he is covered with dark green paint and even his hair n face is not spared. Hahaha..
What's for tomorrow? He will need his weekly fish porridge and for playing wise, flour?
We finally went down to select Zach's photo from the shoot with Sean Lau last month. We were quite pleased with the outcome of the photos as we were not placing high hopes on it since Zach were cranky that day. I am now planning for his next shoot - maybe will source for another type of shoot.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Weee... I love Bubbles
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy 9 Month Old, Zach
Woohooo..Zachary is 9 month and 1 day old today. Another 2 months and 30days to his 1st birthday (did I calculate correctly?)
My boy has been a very very cheeky monster of late. Mastering several things, some of it I am so glad he learnt but some, not so.
Standing up
He's good at this. I can't really recall when he mastered this skill but he decided to let me know he can stand up on his own one fine morning while I am playing with him by the cot.
What is the trying next? His downward dog pose and squatting, a sign that he wants to stand up unaided.
Haha..caught in action
Oh and I almost forgot, he can crawl and move to sitting position and vice versa swiftly. I mean realllll quick especially middle of the night when he wakes up crying..u put him lying he will sit up almost in split second. HahahaRambling
Unfortunately for mummy, his first word is Pa Pa and not Ma Ma. I am jealous actually because I've been the one slaving for him yet his first word is not for me. Sigh.. I should get over this sadness because as long as he is rambling and getting more talkative, I am contented.
Separation anxiety
Is something that I was hoping he will not have. Arggh..he is like a superglue! I can't go 10cm away from him without him crying and with added tears!! Gosh, it was so different a month ago when I can do my own stuff with him playing on his own (I am still within his watch) but now, I need to be in skin contact with him everytime he is awake. TOO MUCH!!!
Look at that gloomy face
Off late, he developed some real funny habits: sucking my knees, eeew.. and worst, having an affinity with hubby's bolster. All daddy's saliva (yucks!) and whatsoever is there and it stinks (I think it does but daddy loves it) and Zach loves it too. He must have his daddy's bolster before he can sleep at night. The bolster war between Zach and his father. Lol...Sucking his finger and enjoying his daddy's bolster - trying to nap
I love the pix above, taken yesterday during a trial class at Stage & Such. Not a very fabulous class so far but I felt the babies had fun crawling ard. The 3 of them looked so solemn..hahaha
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Swimming Time
I love the pix when his daddy is smiling at him
Zach with his stylo hair
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Zach Spinning
Depending on his mood, he will give us his version of moonwalking too ala the late Michael Jackson.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I am a bad mummy
Zach's lower 2 teeth has cut through but not at his 6th months but slightly after he turns 8 months.
We suspect that his upper 2 teeth is cutting because the crankiness returns. He only slept at 5am yesterday!! Gosh.. both myself and hb were zombie-fied and I decided to purchase a tube of Dentinox Teething Gel to help soothe the pain. Guess it worked because he only woke up twice for his milk feed but the down side is, the anaesthetic effect causes him to drool on my bed! Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mommy went berserk
His very own McQueen laptop
The Haenim play yard that I ordered was delivered this afternoon. It was just nice to cover his play mat. Now our house looks like a mini nursery..