Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weight Watcher

I was given an off-day on Friday, 29th August 2008 because it was check-up day!! It's the last check-up for my 2nd trimester, which means by the next visit, I will be in my 3rd trimester..heart pumping very fast because I am anxious and nervous and scared at the same time..very very mixed feelings - how come I felt that my pregnancy is so short?

I was at 23 weeks 2 days and weighs 60.2kg as oppose to 56.9kg 4 weeks ago. I gained approx. 4kg within 4 weeks, way beyond the 500g per week quota!! *Gasp* Dr. Soong advised me to watch what I eat, which she explains, out of the 4kg I put on, baby only gained 500g because his previous weight was 324g and as at Friday, he is 800g, and this concludes that the remaining weight is mine!! Wonder where did it all go?? Must be to my expanding butt...gosh..

After gynae's visit, we went to Isetan Baby Fair and bought baby a play gym, which is sold for $99 (a steal considering Taka was selling at $129).

As we were about to head back home, I saw this bag which I fell in love immediately. Within a short 5 minutes, $350 flew off from my wallet!!

My Che Che NY bag

Sunday, August 24, 2008

As the pregnancy moves on..

As I reach the near end of my 5th month into pregnancy, I noticed several changes:

1. Not as agile as before..can be explained by me falling down even when walking abit too fast.
2. I became hairier - I noticed hairs has been sprouting around my abdominal area and it is so unsightly!
3. Belly button - I gauge that by the mid of 6th month, my belly button will popped-out completely. The surrounding area of my navel is bruised for reason I can't explain.
4. Baby's movememt - Baby's movement is more frequent and prominent..I can sense his feeling at times based on his kicks and punches. My tummy will turn hard when he is not happy or not in the mood but will be soft when he is happier..
5. Breathlessness - I can't squat for long now.. I get out of breath easily and the growing tummy is hindering it..I am not complaining. Happy that baby is growing

Expanding tummy at 22W+4D. Notice all the veins forming - carrying nutrients to baby

Last week, I bought a baby heartbeat monitor thinking to listen to our precious' heartbeat. As I settled on the bed with hubby ready to listen to baby's heartbeat, he kicked on the device so hard that not only can I feel it but it can be seen..I tried again and he kicked it away again!! Baby not happy that mommy n daddy wants to feel his heartbeat! Hahaha.. end up I told baby that we will try again next week (which will be tonight)! Let's hope baby is cooperative..

As I am counting down to Week 40, anxiety has also kicked in.

Me: Next week I will at Week 23, another 7 weeks to Week 30 and will be another 10 weeks before I POP!! What if my water bag burst when I am sleeping or walking ard the house? It will be messy right?
Hubby: Dear, why are you thinking abt messy?
Me: Of course, who will clean up the pool of water? What if it is on our bed? How?
Hubby: Don't worry abt such should think abt baby only and not how messy the house will be, haha

Easier for him to say, he don't have to be the one cleaning..hehe

I have alot of thoughts and vision on how the baby will be when he is will he behave, what activities will we be doing with him, etc etc.. I can't wait!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Marriage & Parenthood Package

All the mummies between Aug 08 - Dec 08 were given a rude shock on 18th Aug 2008 NDR when some minister announce that the new M&P package were to start on 1st Jan 2009 instead!! How much we lost?
  • Enhanced Leave Measure (2mths 4 weeks to 2mths 8 weeks)
  • Enhanced Baby Bonus ($3K Cash Gift to $4K Cash Gift + $6K matching CDA)
  • Enhanced Childcare Subsidy ($400 infant-care subsidy to $600)
  • Enhanced Childcare Leave (existing 2 days child care leave to 6 days child care leave)

We raised a ruckus!! Online petition, writing to REACH, calling MCYS, presses, etc etc.. finally it worked.

22nd Aug, minister announce again that they will back-date the above M&P package to 17th Aug 2008. Hip! Hip! Hooray! Baby get to enjoy the benefit after all..

Hubby's comment: Baby is a rich kid even before he is born - why? Mummy will maximise govt's contribution and put the fund into FD as part of his growing up fund.. baby's future is secured.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shopping spree

We have been in a shopping mood for the past few weeks for baby stuffs.. having spent about $320 on our first trip to Takashimaya Baby Fair and today another $550!! OMG... I will need to stop spending alr..but like hubby says, anything for our precious, it is really worth it..

As I was packing our precious' essentials, I realised we have bought those that are required. Today, we confirmed on a Rocio 4-in-1 cot which is going at 50% at the Taka Baby Fair. It's a steal at $359 with some freebies..Delivery will be on 8th Nov 2008..don't want them to deliver it too early since I will prob not be ready to clean up the room.

Feeding essentials - mostly from Pigeon. Need 2 more 4oz baby bottle. Will be targetting NUK

Shower essentials - after doing the sums, no difference to purchase GAIA or J& will try GAIA, love the scent

Booties and mittens, baby wrap and Pupsik plush pad! Not forgetting, soccer socks

Daily wear during the first month - long sleeve button / ribbon with matching long pants and some shorts. These are the cheaper ones ($9.90 for 3 or $10 for 4)

Some rompers which our precious can wear after their 3rd month - abit too big

T-shirt, soccer jersey meant when he is older

Bibs purchased at Mothercare, Kiddy Palace, Pumpkin Patch and Aussino..

Baby's hat - not very practical but I am sure he will look very adorable!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby's Detailed Scan

2nd Aug 2008, 11.45am - Appointment was fixed a month ago for our precious detailed scan.. though he is not fully 20weeks yet, but is about there, 19 weeks 3 days.
One week before our scan, we both kept talking to baby on what the scan is all about and how baby should be cooperative with the sonagrapher. True to our words, baby is very cooperative and the whole scan took only 20minutes compared to others that took much longer! The sonagrapher took a few pix and measurement and then explained to us!! Yeah..100% confirmed a boy because we can see his 'asset'..wahahaha!

Head measurement - baby's head is bigger than average baby (in the 95th percentile)..what does this mean??
From mom: Smarter baby
From gynae: Hard work during labor
Measurement: 177.6mm

Baby's spine - see how clear and strong the spine is!!

Baby got a sharp chin - like mommy!!

Baby's feet - all 10 baby's toes can be seen

Baby's genatalia (XY, means BOY!!) and thigh (Femur)

Measurement: 31.5mm

Baby's hand

All in all baby is very healthy and my placenta placement is neither high nor low. Heart has 4-chamber and all blood vessels are okay!!

Baby's weight at the moment is 324g.. average weight!!