Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Counting down - 2 or 3 more weeks!

Last day of November and I've missed out several great deals lined up by merchants for birthday month - yeap!! My birthday was in early part of Nov.. I missed the Body Shop birthday privilege, missed Aussino 40% members privileges, and few more!! Y? I am feeling so lazeeee
I am getting bottom heavy day by day..walking becomes waddling and I really hope I am not walking like a duck or penguin!! It gets worse when I can't sleep well at night that I get so frustrated, hubby hv to bear the brunt of it! How cranky I can get?? I woke up middle of the night, crying for no reason - actually there is a reason, I can't get proper sleep..I ignored him for the whole of last week and I myself do not know why.. I feel so tired and I just wish he would understand but as guys will always be guys they will never get it, I shall forgive and forget and live on!

Looking back, it was just in April when we announced to both parents that I am expecting and in a blink, I am giving birth in 2 weeks time (I think)... I must thank God that this pregnancy is a smooth one. I do not have any morning sickness nor lose my appetite, how can I based on the amt of weight I am gaining..I do not have any severe breakouts etc..but towards last stage only severe water retention but I think it is all worth it!

Mummy's tummy at 36 weeks 4 days

Daddy got a new toy and we will be using it to showcase Zach's journey to the world!

LCD Photo Display

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Still here

I really can't wait to stay home and rot! I was at gynae's visit on Monday and my weight went up to a whopping 5kg within 2 weeks *gasp* Thankfully she attributed that to severe water retention which can be seen from my puffy eyes, swollen hands with painful joints and not to mention the can't-tell-difference-between-calf-ankle! Hahaha

Not only the weight gain is high, even my blood pressure was high. I had to take up to 5 readings before the reading was satisfactory..I knew in advance it would be high cos I do feel more breathless lately.

Enough of mummy, Zach did not grow much over the last 2 weeks, onie managed to put up about 200g and is now 2.5kg which I still feel he could put on more. Dr's advice if want him to put more weight, I hv to eat to?? Then I will hv problem losing those weights leh..dilemma!!

As usual, gynae predicted that I will pop anytime after 37weeks which is about 1.5weeks from now..which means I have to finish clearing all Zach's stuff by then..tonnes to do!! I can't wait till then because I m having difficulty sleeping and waddling to work everyday is such a chore! Hahaha

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I can't wait!

I am nearing to 35 weeks of my pregnancy..minimumly 3 more weeks to go and if Zach decides to stay put till his EDD then will be 5 more weeks, which is just in time for Christmas! I am not going to ask him to come out earlier nor staying put. Hubby and myself kept telling him to come out only when he is ready so that he is not 'stress' over it..wahahah!! As if..

As the due date is drawing near, I am experiencing more heartburn, fatigue, feeling sleepy most of the time, loss of appetite, swollen and painful feet!! It does makes me irritated at times and I did woke up middle of the night crying because I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep!! I am glad hubby is understanding and sleep at the corner of the bed most of the time so that the big fat whale can toss and turn anytime.

Kath's trotter

Side view - tummy at 34 weeks

Never been seen before - frontal view of my tummy...
During my last checkup, Zach has grown quite a big, from 1.7kg to 2.383kg within 3 weeks but gynae was telling me, he will prob hit 3kg or less during birth which is not exactly what I had in mind but oh well, God will decide for us. Overall, gynae is quite satisfied with my progress and claimed that my pregnancy is really a smooth one.. which I am really thankful for and hope that it stays that way. As Zach grows, his squirming and kicking has grown quite a bit too and it is more fun to 'play' with him now. Yes, he is quite playful.. the moment we place our hands on my tummy, his leg will portrude out..hb will tickle or try to grab it, Zach will move away then come back again..we are having such fun time playing 'hide-n-seek' with him!!

Next week will be an exciting time as we will be taking some pregnancy pics - keeping my fingers crossed that hubby knows what he is doing and taking..hahaha

Anticipating the arrival of Zachary...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Washing mama

I finally had enough of procrastinating and decided to pick my big fat butt to start washing Zachary's clothes.

Started with all his clothes for the first 3 months and all his booties and mittens. Towels and hankerchiefs will be saved for next week follow by comforter etc etc.. After calculating, I realise that I will only have about 5 Saturdays and Sundays to finish up all the cleaning and packing up Zach's room.

Daddy: Wah! My baby's socks is taking over daddy's hanger

Zach's clothes - its so cute seeing these mini clothes hanging in my kitchen

Zach's cot finally arrived yesterday. The delivery man helped us to set it up in the guest room, which will be Zach's room but it made the room so crampy in turn making me moody and tears start to fall (been on roller coaster ride lately).. hubby realise it and he push the cot out to the living room, so hv to leave it thr till I deliver and push it back to the room. In the mean time, I have to brace myself for the upcoming mess..

The cot which is outside the study room